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Business considerations

Requirements to start Pay-me:

  • Have a Peruvian corporate name (Ficha RUC 20 or 10).

  • Have a website and/or be developing it. If you do not have a website, at least have active social networks.

  • The website must have SSL certification.

  • Have a bank account in the name of the Company.

  • At least have one person in charge of integration (programmer/developer).

Technical Considerations

The following components are required to connect to Wallet and VPOS2:


C# and VB


Framework Axis2

Framework Jersey

Library jsr311-api-1.0.jar

Library jersey-client-1.0.2.jar

Library jersey-core-1.0.2.jar

Library jersey-server-1.0.2.jar

Library System.Text

Library System.Security.Cryptography


OpenSSL 0.9.7 en adelante





The libraries indicated for JAVA are contained in the Integration Kit.

Pay-me compatibility with devices and browsers

It is also confirmed that Pay-me Modal is compatible with the following devices, browsers and their versions greater than those detailed below:


Mobile Devices


Chrome v55.0.2883.87

Firefox v45.0

Internet Explorer v11

Internet Explorer v10

Android - Chrome v55.0.2883.91

Tablet Android - Chrome v40.0.2214.109

iPhone 6 - iOS v10.2 - Safari v10

iPad - iOS v10.2 - Safari v10

macOS Sierra v10.12.2 - Safari v10.12.2

Continue to Considerations for the Integration environment ➡️

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