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Business considerations

Requirements to start Pay-me:

  • To have a Peruvian company name (Ficha RUC 20 or 10).

  • Have a website and/or be developing it. If you do not have a website, at least active social networks.

  • The website must have SSL certification.

  • To have a bank account in the name of the Company.

  • At least one person in charge of integration (programmer/developer).

Technical considerations

This Plug-in has been developed, installed and certified on Prestashop CMS from version 1.6.X to 1.7.

It is considered that Prestashop CMS is installed and working correctly by the Merchant to be integrated. However, you must ensure that the following PHP libraries are installed and activated for the correct operation of the Plug-in:

  • OpenSSL

  • HASH (soporte a SHA512)

  • XML

  • SOAP

Continue to Considerations for the Integration environment ➡️

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