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Test Cases in Integration Environment

We recommend performing the following test cases to make sure your store and Plug-in are working properly:

First test case:

Description: Send a transaction to Pay-me, then click the Return to Merchant button. 

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Rejected

Second test case:

Description: Send a transaction to Pay-me, enter the card details 485951******0036, click the Pay button, enter the Verified by Visa password and click Continue. Register the card in Wallet by checking the "Register my card in Pay-me" checkbox.

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Authorized

Third test case:

Description: Send a transaction to Pay-me, enter the card details 485951******0051, click on the Pay button.

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Authorized

Fourth test case:

Description: Send a transaction to Pay-me, select the registered 485951******0036 card, click the Pay button, and when prompted for the Verified by Visa password click Cancel.

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Rejected

Fifth test case:

Description: Send a transaction with an amount greater than 1000.00. Enter the card information 554911******9586.

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Authorized

Sixth test case:

Description: Submit a transaction with an amount less than one. Use any of the test cards to complete the purchase process. For example, send 75 to get 0.75.

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Authorized

Seventh test case:

Description: Send a transaction to Pay-me, enter the card details 485951******0028, click on the Pay button.

Expected Values

Purchase Transaction Number

(value obtained from the answer)

Result of the Operation

Transaction Denied


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