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Requirements for Android

Business considerations

Requirements to start with Pay-me:

  • To have a Peruvian corporate name (Ficha RUC 20 or 10).

  • Have a website and/or be in development. If you do not have a website, at least active social networks.

  • The website to be implemented with Pay-me must have SSL certification.

  • To have a bank account in the name of the Company.

  • At least one person in charge of integration (programmer/developer).

Android technical considerations

In order to use Pay-me SDK 2.0 the following requirements must be taken into account:

Android 5.0 (API level 21)+

Gradle Version 7.4+

Merchant Key delivered by Pay-me

Pay-me Library (Payme.aar included in the .zip)

3DS 2.2 Authentication Library (SecureKey3DS.aar included in the .zip)

Visa Library (VisaSensoryBranding.aar included in the .zip)

Mastercard Library (MastercardSonic.aar included in the .zip)

If you use Android Studio IDE it must be version Chipmunk (2021.2.1) or higher

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