Requirements for iOS
Business considerations
Requirements to start with Pay-me:
To have a Peruvian corporate name (Ficha RUC 20 or 10).
Have a website and/or be in development. If you do not have a website, at least active social networks.
The website to be implemented with Pay-me must have SSL certification.
To have a bank account in the name of the Company.
At least one person in charge of integration (programmer/developer).
Technical considerations
In order to use Pay-me SDK 2.0 the following requirements must be taken into account:
iOS 13.0+
Xcode 13+
Swift 5.5+
Merchant Key delivered by Pay-me
Pay-me Library (Payme.xcframework included in the .zip)
3DS 2.2 Athentication Library (SecureKey3DS.xcframework included in the .zip)
Visa Library (VisaSensoryBranding.xcframework included in the .zip)
Mastercard Library (MastercardSonic.xcframework included in the .zip)