Notifications through the Client Browser
This group of notification options consists of using the customer's browser as an intermediary between Pay-me Checkout and the merchant, where to notify the merchant, a POST is sent to the response URL defined by the merchant.
In the scenario that a notification made by a Customer does not reach the merchant, the merchant can perform an "Request" (through a web service) or log into Vpayment web to verify the final status of the transaction.
In all cases the customer's browser is redirected to the merchant's site.
Simple Notification
Pay-me Checkout, after receiving the authorization response from the processor, displays the result on the Modal and notifies the merchant via the customer's browser by one of the following two events:
Notifies the merchant of the response when the customer selects the "Finish" button.
Notifies the merchant of the response automatically after 10 seconds.
Operational independence, since the POST is done through the browser, no certificate registration in Alignet's servers is required.
Requires finishing the user flow in the client's browser; if the client loses connection or closes the browser, the response will not reach the merchant's server.
Note that this is the default notification to all merchants in both environments.
Direct Notification
Pay-me Checkout, after receiving the authorization response from the processor, notifies the merchant through the customer's browser, the result of the authorization is not previewed:
Notifies the merchant of the response automatically during the preloading of the Modal, however, the result is not displayed to the customer.
Operational independence, since the POST is done through the browser, no certificate registration in Alignet's servers is required.
It does not require finishing the user flow in the client's browser.
If the customer loses connection or closes the browser, the response will not reach the merchant's server.
Multiple Notification
Pay-me Checkout, after receiving the authorization response from the processor, displays the result on the Modal and notifies the merchant via the customer's browser in both of the following events:
Notifies the merchant of the response automatically during the preloading of the Modal.
Notifies the merchant of the response when the customer selects the "Finish" button.
Operational independence, since the POST is done through the browser, no certificate registration in Alignet's servers is required.
It does not require finishing the user flow in the client's browser, however, the merchant must support more than one notification.
If the customer loses connection or closes the browser, the response will not reach the merchant's server.
The merchant must support more than one notification, since, if the customer selects the "Finish" button, a second notification is sent to the merchant.
Continue to Server to Server Notification ➡️